Findom Clips

Financial Domination Clips | Findom | MoneyDomme

All articles tagged with "Money Mistress"

This mistress loves to live a good life and she does not hide it. She eats life with a big spoon and all of that is funded by her paypigs. She uses findom to get what she wants and that is why she did what she did. With her hot ass, sexy looks and her naughtiness to boot, she finds it easy getting and maintaining pay slaves and making money from them.

Goddess Kira wanted to make sure that she degraded this guy and that he learned his lesson. Unlike many mistresses who used pain and humiliation to do what she wanted to do, she had assessed the situation and she realized that the best way to do it was to use findom fetish. So she turned the guy into a pay slave and she dominated him financially. It stung him a lot.

Lady Rockabella wanted to get some money from this guy. That is why she opted to dominate him and do it in a sexy manner. The guy did not think that she could do what she ended up doing and that was why it caught him by surprise. He never saw it coming and when he finally realized what was happening, the mistress had cleaned out his account and was laughing all the way to the bank.

Goddess Katrina wanted to dominate this guy and she did it in a way that this guy had never experienced. It was financial instead of physical. That is why the mistress had to use her sex appeal to get him to do it. The effects were felt after she was done with him when he went to check out her balance. She had cleaned his account and he could not believe it.

This guy regretted why he had admired mistress Morrigan and tried to fuck her because it left him with a huge dent in his pocket as she teased him with her big ass as well as with her big tits and that is how he found himself paying for her vacation. The mistress used her sexy charm to make him do it effortlessly. He was turned into a findom slave without knowing.

Mistress Harley wanted to get herself a human atm and that is why she used her hot body to do that. She knew many men would kill to be with a girl like her and so getting herself a human credit card was not hard. All she had to do was flirt with a few and then tease them with her hot body and that was all. She got one in a matter of days.

Mistress Gaia needed to get a brand new phone and since it cost thousands of dollars, she wanted it to come from someone else's pocket and not hers. That is why she opted to use her sexy body to turn this guy into a pay slave. He then bought it for her after she had teased him and gained control over him. He did all she asked as he wanted to please her.

Mistress Valentina wanted a new high end smartphone and she did not want to get it for herself. She needed someone else to pay for it and that is why she used her pay bitch to do it. The mistress had a great time teasing the guy and in no time, she had managed to control him and to make him pay for it without asking any questions. Her charm was enough.

Mistress Adora is great when it comes to findom fetish. She knows how to make the most of it to get whatever she wants. Her friends had been envying her for a long time and today they wanted her to teach them how they could also do it. She agreed and she showed them practically how to turn an admirer into a pay slave easily and they gave it a try and loved it.

Lady Stefanie was in need of a new pay slave and she had to interview potential ones to find out whether they were the right fit for her. So she narrowed down to this one and she had a great interview with him and she realized that his pockets were deep enough for her to play around with. He was also malleable and she felt that they would work well together.

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